Consultation Tool

I am a male
I am a female
Beard growth
Hair Growth
Eyelash/Eyebrow Growth
Hair Loss (thin patches, bald patches, thin sides)
Thin or dull hair or hair that doesn't grow. I just want thicker hair generally.
I wear tight hair styles or a hijab (or similar)
I am not sure why but I have thin/patchy hair/bald patches
I have experienced sudden and serious hair fall i.e. my hair comes out in large clumps
None of these apply to me
I wear tight hairstyles or a turban (or similar)
I have experienced sudden and serious hair fall i.e hair comes out in large clumps
I have a full beard but struggle to grow head hair
None of these apply to me
I wear tight hairstyles or a turban (or similar)
I have experienced sudden and serious hair fall i.e hair comes out in large clumps
I have thin/patchy hair (or I am fully bald) and I also struggle to grow a beard

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